day 3053

March 31, 2014

Day 3053
we watched the changes
in ecosystems, weather
and we drove upwards

Day 3052

March 25, 2014

Day 3052
it’s always that way:
you get it planned out, but then
everything changes

day 3051

March 23, 2014
Day 3051
beneath the skylight,
we discussed comics, movies,
marriage, and Buddha

day 3049/day 3050

March 22, 2014
Day 3049
stacks cover her desk
on three sides, of forms, reports –
patiently waiting
– – – – – –
Day 3050
follow-up email,
thanking her for the good times –
“you made my knees weak”

Troy’s Book Club: Fun Home

March 20, 2014

Time for another graphic novel in the book club, or as author Alison Bechdel calls it, “a family tragicomic.” “Fun Home” is an autobiographical graphic novel; Bechdel tells about her growing up, and her family’s history. She deals with her parents’ marriage and the difficult dynamics in it. She deals with her own sexuality, and her coming to terms with it. The book is really well-written, nicely illustrated, and easily kept my interest.

The graphic novel has received some flack for dealing with homosexuality, becoming the target of some attempts at censorship by small-minded individuals (I’m looking at Garry Smith of South Carolina here).  I am very confident that most of these individuals have never actually read the book. Yes, it deals with homosexuality. And really, that almost seems secondary. The book is intelligently written, and that is reason alone to read it. A larger theme, to me, is about how we grow up, see our parents differently, see the world differently, and try to find our own place in it.

This book should sit on the shelf beside any other important autobiographical works. And those who would try to remove this book from reading lists, syllabuses, libraries should read the dang book.

As always, if you’re interested in this book, pick it up at Boswell Books or check it out from Milwaukee Public Library

day 3048

March 19, 2014
Day 3048
photographer thoughts:
what equipment do I need?
how might it go wrong?

day 3047

March 18, 2014
Day 3047
early morning sun
flitting through the small window
alighting the pipes

day 3046

March 17, 2014
Day 3046
I checked the address,
inspected two dif’rent maps –
turned around, went home

day 3045

March 15, 2014
Day 3045
in the warming temps
curbside rivulets, full of
gravel, dirt, trash, leaves


day 3044

March 14, 2014

Day 3044
the morning sunbeam
highlighting the fragile form
of the spider’s web