30 Days/30 Drawings: well, 12 of them

January 3, 2012

This past December, I attempted to follow through on a small project of trying to do 30 drawings in 31 days. This attempt was inspired by Traci Bunkers and Sara Anderson. A number of variables conspired against me though, including my own swinging levels of motivation and I only got 12 drawings done. The project’s time period may be done, but I assure you, my drawing is NOT. I plan to try and do a lot more drawing this year, in conjunction with my haiku-writing.Watch for them both!

30 Days, 30 Drawings: Day 12, my home

December 28, 2011

I sat in the break-room at my part-time job and tried to draw from memory the house in which I’m currently living. Well, got the gist of it right.

30 Days, 30 Drawings: Day 11: Art Bar

December 24, 2011

A quick sketch made while eating a margherita pizza and drinking vodka-and-cranberry tonight at Milwaukee’s Art Bar.

30 Days, 30 Drawings: Day 10: Stone Creek

December 23, 2011

Quick sketch today while at the coffee shop in Bay View. Gonna get my drawing back on track.

30 Days, 30 Drawings: the apology

December 20, 2011

“12-16-11 I haven’t drawn all week – – very busy w/work, I’m glad to say. Will attempt to catch up w/5 days of drawings.”

Soon, SOON, I will get this back on track. Expect swell sketches, I promise you.

30 Days, 30 Drawings: Day 9, Distracted

December 13, 2011

Life has been busy lately, and so I quite neglected my drawing this weekend. Please accept my apologies…

30 Days/30 Drawings: Day 8 Smithsonian #2

December 9, 2011

30 Days, 30 Drawings: Day 7

December 7, 2011

30 Days, 30 Drawings: Day 6, things I miss

December 7, 2011

30 Days, 30 Drawings: Day 5

December 5, 2011

I didn’t take 30 minutes on this, but it feels done to me.