day 3416

February 28, 2017
day 3416
I tried to convince
myself to go out; couldn’t,
so just stayed at home

day 3415

February 22, 2017
day 3415
I’ve gotten jaded
but the right music can change
my mood just like that

day 3413/day 3414

February 21, 2017
day 3414
I had my earbuds,
but could hear that guy talking;
need to keep focused
day 3413
at the laundromat,
a few three arcade games flicker,
trying to entice

day 3412

February 15, 2017
day 3412
all bad news lately
but then I held my nephew,
and hope was renewed

day 3410/day 3411

February 9, 2017
day 3410
for ninety minutes,
I turned off the outside world,
enjoyed the movie
day 3411
weather wasn’t bad
until we turned the corner
and caught the cold wind