day 3278

October 29, 2015
Day 3278
for forty minutes,
screen said “thirty minutes remaining;
time for Genius Bar

day 3276/day 3277

October 27, 2015
day 3277
in the coffeeshop,
people gathered – in costume –
and so generous
3277 was inspired by the MKE Cosplay 5k which happened this past weekend. See some fun photos HERE.
day 3276
the complexity,
in knowing connectedness,
amidst the freewill.

Troy’s Book Club: More Baths Less Talking by Nick Hornby

October 21, 2015

I’ve read many different kinds of books over the years – biographies, fictions of all kinds, romances, autobiographies, self-improvements/motivationals, poetry, and probably literal tons of comicbooks. So, I guess it isn’t that big of a surprise that I would enjoy a book that is a person talking about the books he’s been reading. “More Baths Less Talking” is a collection of Nick Hornby‘s columns for Believer magazine,…from 2010-2011. So yeah, I had a really fun time reading about what Nick Hornby was reading five years ago.

What’s even an even bigger testament to Hornby’s skill as a writer, is that he not only makes each column quite interesting, sprinkled through with such good humor, but that he even finds a way to make this collection of individual columns have a satisfactory “conclusion” when you read the last entry. And there’s now a whole lot of other books, from 2010-11 that I’d like to read, but especially biographies of Montaigne and Charles Dickens. And this, too.


day 3275

October 19, 2015

day 3275
in the headlights’ beams,
withered leaves skittered on by,
blown by morning winds

day 3274

October 16, 2015
day 3274
“You’re an RA, too?”
“Which floor? 2C? That was mine!”
– college flashing-back

day 3273

October 13, 2015

day 3273

it was neat to see
so many kids excited
to meet an author
(Brian Selznick was the author)

day 3272

October 12, 2015
day 3272
when I stepped outside,
the door’s noise disturbed two crows,
and they took to flight

day 3271

October 6, 2015
day 3271
for that one instant,
I saw each person as a
universe of chance

While in NYC, Society of Illustrators… 09-15

October 4, 2015

Last month, I paid a short visit to New York City and Boston, mainly to see friends. You can see some of those photos here. One of the most thrilling stops I made though, was to the Society of Illustrators in New York City. The illustrations they had on display, sometimes along with what those pieces looked like in print, were fabulous and inspiring. So many beautiful paintings.

Those alone would have been a big enough thrill, but SOI also had an exhibit of Batman sketch covers (on display till Nov 7)!! This collection was so amazing – so many of my favorite artists were represented! There was Jae Lee, Dave Gibbons, Howard Chaykin, Dustin Nguyen, Frank Quietly, and many others! Here are some lil snapshots, and one of my favorite illustration paintings. 🙂

If you’re an artist, and if you visit NYC, you HAVE to visit the SOI Musuem. I’m so very glad I went!