Day 3637 (Jan 2022)- Day 3639

January 13, 2022

Jan 5, 2022

day 3637
sitting in my car,
waiting for the laundromat;
frost-covered windshield.

Jan 10, 2022

day 3638
from the tower’s top,
we looked out on the Great Lake;
wave-tips whipped by wind!

Jan 13, 2022

day 3639
I looked to my right – 
phone still in-hand, eyes closed – 
I gave her a nudge

Day 3621 (Jan 2021)-Day 3636(Nov 2021)

January 13, 2022

Jan 20, 2021

day 3621
and another chance to try
and be better folks

Jan 30, 2021

day 3622
looked out the window,
saw a cloud outlined in light,
the moon rising up…

Feb 24, 2021

day 3623
something magical
in those hanging icicles
growing with each drip

Mar 17, 2021

day 3624
I just love looking
out over the lake; the sky,
water, horizon

Mar 18, 2021

day 3625
a favorite sound
is the wind blowing outside,
hearing its power

April 9, 2021

day 3626
I love looking through
the trees, currently leave-less,
seeing the river

May 10, 2021

day 3627
we grabbed the handles,
dropped the ball; the game began!
Spun the foosball men!

Jun 21, 2021

day 3628
the motorcycles
roared past, drivers leaning down –
inches from pavement…

July 12, 2021

day 3629
morning running means
the feel of dew on my legs,
and breaking through webs.

Aug 1, 2021

day 3630
we walked through the woods
and the only sound we heard
was our own footsteps

Aug 20, 2021

day 3631
the morning after,
grasses, heavy with raindrops—
drag across my legs

Sept 1, 2021

day 3632
out morning running,
then something clicked, “oh my gosh,
what is today’s date?”

Sept 21, 2021

day 3633
I could see the end,
despite the rain in my eyes,
and pushed on, forward

Sept 30, 2021

day 3634
I stopped for a pic,
and over the hill he came;
his name, Gene; a poet

Nov 1, 2021

day 3635
both the hours and miles
went faster than expected
and then I was DONE.

Nov 11, 2021

day 3636
sitting at my desk,
listening to the raindrops
hitting tin outside…

Day 3607 (June 2020) – Day 3620 (Dec 2020)

January 13, 2022

June 10, 2020

day 3607
at my laundromat,
and the rules are different;
the world is changing

June 24, 2020
day 3608
the world that we’ve known –
not built with justice in mind –
and that needs to change.

July 6, 2020

day 3609
we stepped up, stepped in,
and tried to help the seagulls
tangled in a lure

Aug 4, 2020
day 3610
we kept our distance, 
out in the garden, talking
about the past months

Aug 5, 2020
day 3611
these days, new habits
are forming – when I leave home:
do I have my mask?

Aug 12, 2020

day 3612
it’s not been easy,
but I KNOW I will enjoy
getting a run in.

Aug 31, 2020
day 3613
on the riverwalk,
with other photographers,
watching the light change

Sept 16, 2020
day 3614
two old Asian women,
in Hubbard Park, practicing
basketball dribbling

Sept 27, 2020
day 3615
it was hypnotic
watching the sands undulate
as the spring pushed up

Oct 1, 2020

day 3616
the planet’s orbit
keeps moving, and our days change;
sunrise comes later

Oct 6, 2020

day 3617
i was heading east:
sunset behind, dusk ahead;
the streetlights blinked on…

Nov 4, 2020

day 3618
twisted, on the ground, 
a dead deer near the footpath;
said a small prayer

Nov 22, 2020

day 3619
an ignorant parade
of beeping cars, waving flags;
all should be ashamed.

Dec 24, 2020

day 3620
the sky looked threat’ning,
but never opened on us
and we kept hiking